Finished Project- Sparkley Star Linden Sweatshirt

Posted by Freya Gilbert
on June 03, 2018

After finishing sewing my Ginger Jeans, I’ve been sewing up really simple projects recently, including the super cosy, super fun Linden Sweatshirt from Grainline Studio Patterns.

Freya Gilbert Grainline studio linden sweatshirt crafty sew and so

I find simple projects are the perfect palette cleanser, as it were, to give the mind a break from having to concentrate on fit or new techniques which more complex patterns usually require. I think this jumper took me two hours to sew together, including cutting the fabric out.  I whizzed it up on the overlocker, and left off the waist band, mixing version 1 and 2 together. To save me from having to find matching ribbing, I’ve used the same fabric to sew the neck band and wrist bands as the main body of the jumper.

Crafty sew and so Freya Gilbert linden sweatshirt Grainline studio

This is one of my current favourite fabric we have in, it’s a fleece backed, light weight sweatshirting, with SPARKLY SILVER STARS! I love it so much! When it arrived in store, I knew exactly what I wanted to sew with it, and I love wearing the jumper just to stroke the fabric.  We have sold through it quite well, but I think we still have about 3 meters left, so if you’re quick you might get some!

I’m still not ready for my next big project, I think I could do with some more simple and quick projects to sew first.  What is your go-to simple project when you want a quick win?

Freya x